Sunday, November 27, 2016

Blog Post #5

Andrea Albaugh
M. Schroeder
English 101
Nov. 27, 2016

Formal Outline
I changed my topic as in the discussion I realized my previous topic would be hard to write about as it'd be harder to describing my meaning of the situation. I will now write my essay on if money buy can happiness. 

Thesis:  Money is a huge part of our lives whether we have lots or nearly none of it. It changes our lives immensely as we come across it everyday. Money pays for the clothes on our back, the shelter we live under and the food on the table. Having money can make people centered on how rich they may be. It can also make people selfish and greedy or even lose your perspective.

Paragraph 1:
  • Introduction including thesis
  • Statistics of how many people are rich in America and how many are living in poverty 
Paragraph 2:
  • The process of getting money and how that may become the center of importance
  • How that effects your family and the people around you
  • Supporting source

Paragraph 3:
  • How the amount of money can never be "enough" for you.
  • Losing sense of value to what's important
  • Start to see that being rich doesn't equal happiness as you always are just wanting more. 
  • Supporting source

Paragraph 4:
  • Your child's perspective of life, work ethic and wealth as they grow up.
  • Not learning the value of money. 
Paragraph 5:
  • Summary of body paragraphs
  • Conclusion

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Friday, November 11, 2016

Blog Post #4

Andrea Albaugh
English 101

I choose friends and family as they are both two important aspects in everyone's life. Everyone needs the love, support and connection that family and friends bring and it's very important to have a good relationship with your family and friends. In my paper I'll explain the importance and difference of the two. Of course, its different for everyone as we have different home environments, family life and different friends.

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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Blog Post 3

Andrea Albaugh
English 101
Blog Post 3
  Fish Cheeks Summary and Main Point
                 In the article "Fish Cheeks" Amy Tan explains a previous experience from when she was 14 that taught her great life lesson. When her family invited over a minister's family for their Christmas eve dinner she was devastated. She had a crush on the son of the minister and the thought of an American family joining her Chinese family for dinner was not appealing for her. She was embarrassed the whole night. She didn't want him associating her to this food and her humiliating family.  This article's purpose was to not be ashamed of your culture or who you are no matter how different it may be.

Superman and me
             Sherman Alexie, the author of this article writes about his childhood as an Indian boy. He explains his fathers love of books and how that passion for books got passed down to him. He read as many books and passages of writing as possible. Being Indian at their school meant you weren't as fast paced as the non-Indians and that you weren't as smart. Sherman wanted to prove them wrong. He was intelligent and he passed this on to the new generations of kids going to school. This article shows the racism the world still holds no matter how much we hate to admit. The Indians would except this ranking they'd be born in and not fight against it but in this article Sherman Alexie does.

For my essay I chose to write about Superman and me. The meaning of it grabs my attention more and shows what kind of world we live in today. It reminds me of years ago how people are born into rankings based on your family and there wasn't much movement of the rankings. The Indians are put down more and expected to not be as intelligent. But I like how Sherman Alexie fights against that thought.

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Friday, October 7, 2016

Blog Post #2

Andrea Albaugh
English 101
Blog Post 2
           We walk down the long road, carelessly holding our shoes in our hands. We loudly play songs as we sing at the top of our lungs. We'd swing our hair side to side and acted as if we ran the show. We'd scrounge up our money to buy drinks and snacks at a stand. But as we walked there... man did we wish we could drive. 
          We finally arrive. The trees were as green as I've ever seen, they tower over us and leave a little patch of blue for us to see. We are enclosed here and there was no looking in. The water would flow under our log that'd lead us across. This place would cancel out the sound of the world. The world where people just sit and rot. But, this place to us was heaven, a place we'd come after we'd die. Here we exchanged secrets and laughed till we cry. Our stumps circled around the fire and our fort stood tall on the other side.  We vowed to keep this place to ourselves, for no one else to know and no matter where our friendship would go, this would be ours. 

          We'd swing on a rope swing, fighting over who'd get the next swing. We sit on the roof of the fort playing old tunes as we conversed. The roof of the fort was our throne. We could sit and overlook this place we like to call home. We could see the clear water as it flows by, our world from here looked like it ran on forever, bigger than our little heads could ever comprehend. 

           After a long day in our heaven we'd return back home. I'd regret how careless I was when I'd end up soaking in a tub because of all the stinging needles I ran through. We'd call each other on the phone. We'd talk about how great a day it's been and to hope and see each other soon again.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

My Response to "Why We Lie"

Andrea Albaugh
Melinda Schroeder
English 101

"Why we Lie" by Dan Ariely explains the multiple experiments held to test dishonesty. He explains how different situations naturally lead people to be more or less dishonest. In every experiment they came to find that we are all are guilty of lying no matter how big or small the lie may be.

Paraphrase Paragraph 10:
We all are aware that a huge majority, if not all, of us cheat. But in what situations do we find people more or less likely to cheat and by how much?

Favorite quote:
"Another thing that boosted cheating: Having another student in the room who was clearly cheating." (Ariely 443)

I picked this quote because it really shows you how society works. How when we see someone else doing it, no matter how bad it might be, we think its okay. We follow under the lead of our peers, we're like sheep. It didn't surprise me when I read that people cheat more when they're influenced by another.

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