Wednesday, September 28, 2016

My Response to "Why We Lie"

Andrea Albaugh
Melinda Schroeder
English 101

"Why we Lie" by Dan Ariely explains the multiple experiments held to test dishonesty. He explains how different situations naturally lead people to be more or less dishonest. In every experiment they came to find that we are all are guilty of lying no matter how big or small the lie may be.

Paraphrase Paragraph 10:
We all are aware that a huge majority, if not all, of us cheat. But in what situations do we find people more or less likely to cheat and by how much?

Favorite quote:
"Another thing that boosted cheating: Having another student in the room who was clearly cheating." (Ariely 443)

I picked this quote because it really shows you how society works. How when we see someone else doing it, no matter how bad it might be, we think its okay. We follow under the lead of our peers, we're like sheep. It didn't surprise me when I read that people cheat more when they're influenced by another.

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